• Lifestyle

    Collect those raindrops

    Life hits you at the strangest moments. As I was driving my daughter to school in the pouring rain, I looked up into a street light. The rain drops seemed to flow down to the earth in super slow-motion, and…

  • Lifestyle

    If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it

    We all have those days, weeks…months?…where we feel frustrated. Where we are making all the “right” moves toward our goals, but not exactly getting where we want to be. It’s complicated, and there is so much data to look at.…

  • Lifestyle

    Keep it simple, even though it’s complicated

    You know what to do. Honestly, we ALL know what to do. In an effort to keep it simple, here goes: eat right, exercise, sleep, keep stress to a minimum. It’s simple, really. Except then you start ruminating on all…

  • Lifestyle

    Half the battle

    Day 37 of 75 Hard has come and gone. I am a little less than halfway through. I have persevered through another road trip, turned down cake at my nephew’s birthday party (even though I heard it was very good…

  • Lifestyle

    36,000 Minutes

    How do you measure your progress? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee? ☕️ (Sing along now, y’all). Check Ins In Camp Gladiator we celebrate check ins. Getting up, getting out of bed, getting dressed, remembering hygiene…

  • Lifestyle

    Day 21 is over and done

    AKA how to do 75 Hard while moving your kid to college. (Maybe this was why I was in a funk all week!) Top Ten Takeaways from Dorm Move In Find a lot of rest stops. That gallon of water…

  • Lifestyle

    Never Miss a Monday

    How you start your week is how you’ll finish it. Start with excuses, build on those excuses. Start with action, build on that action. i.e. NEVER MISS A MONDAY. Showing up is half the battle Picture Monday morning. Your alarm…

  • Lifestyle

    The C-Word

    Everyone knows they need it, most of the time it eludes them. Why do people let distractions detract from their goals, and how do you make sure it doesn’t happen to you?   What is the word? Consistency. How do we…