
New Year, New Me

Happy 2023 everyone!

Made you look with that headline. It may be a new year, but I’m certainly the same ‘me.’ I have similar goals and aspirations for this year as I did last year, and the year before, and the year before that.

The one major shift I’m working on this year involves the hardest shift of all…and that is mindset. I’ve mentioned this before, but it isn’t so ‘last year’…it is an ongoing transformation project for me.

I’ve joined a manifestation challenge, bought a journal, and I’m focusing hard on my goals in the new year.

Statistics show that most people quit their resolutions before February every year. The people that keep going come back from at least 2 setbacks…meaning, your grit and determination play a bigger role in your success than your perfection. Say it with me now… YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE PERFECT. You just have to commit no matter what.

I’ve been successful in my weight loss attempts, and kept the majority of my weight off for 2+ years. I’ve been successful in my commitment to health and exercise, and amassed over 650 workouts in 2.5 years. There is absolutely no reason my work on my mindset won’t be just as successful.

WE’VE GOT THIS. Here’s to 2023! Tell me what you need accountability for in the comments…we can partner in our goals for the year. <3