

I wish I actually was the person my trainer thinks I am. My mindset is not in the right place. Running has not gotten any easier. I have not callused my mind enough yet (sorry David Goggins). However, I did buy David’s new book. Perhaps this gives new meaning to “Never Finished”?? 😉

What I need to work on

Honestly, so many things. Everything? I eat something “bad” or “wrong” and I get down on myself about not being perfect. I was sick last month, and I took a rest day. One. It is the ONE DAY I completely rested in the past year (yes, all 365 days)…and I wonder if maybe I should have done something that day instead of nothing.

Fun fact: in fourth and fifth grades I had to visit a counselor because I could not accept not being “perfect”. Grade of 99? Cue full blown tears and panic. (My mindset issues have been around a good, long while y’all.)

I don’t even know where to begin

Affirmations? Is it too late for that? What affirmations do I start with? I know ‘belief’ is a big part of all of this!!! So what do I do? I don’t believe any of the affirmations so far. One is: “I am a runner”- here’s my first thought: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣…and keep it coming with those emojis. I also don’t know when I would consider myself a runner…when I win a race? When I enjoy it? Both seem a long way off…

If not affirmations, then what? Where does one even begin to fix all the issues and tricks the mind plays on you?

My mind is a battlefield

Truly. It is. Hat tip to my friend Helen for reminding me of this last week! Also I appreciate knowing I’m not alone. Some days I feel like I’m in a losing battle with my own brain.

How do you keep your head up and get past your own mental demons? Do you just start repeating something to yourself until you truly believe? Do you start with a different type of action and when you see results, THEN start repeating what you know to be true? What is the best way to truly train your brain?

Who else is sick and tired of always getting in your own way? 🙋‍♀️ I know I am! I want to believe all the good things and reap all the good results, but for some reason, I have a mental block. I just don’t see all those good things–I only see my shortcomings. And I don’t know how to change that.