
Is Balance Truly the Best Way?

Food for thought: is it possible to live a balanced life? If it is, what does that truly mean?

The other day I was perusing Instagram and came across this post on balance. It got me thinking.

Drop the weight of balance and see how you feel. It is exhausting trying to be balanced all the time. Rest? Train? Self Care? Work? Keep up the house? Something has to give and to be perfectly honest, it is usually self care, rest, or keeping up the house. My whole life is sleep (barely), train (daily), track (all day every day), and work (feels like daily ha).

So not everything has to be perfect. I can prioritize rest when I feel like it is needed. I can take a rest day but I need to decide exactly what that means to me. Right now, it means I will show up for the daily workout but only give 60-70% effort on my “rest” day. One day, it may mean a walk instead of a workout. On the weekends when I am not at the office, I should prioritize more self care, but I have to decide what “self care” truly means to me. A nap? Journaling? Spa?…What do I truly want from my weekend? It can be different every weekend!

I’ve been so caught up in what I should do…I’ve neglected to decide what I want to do. And what I want out of life will actually determine what I should be doing…not some societal expectations of what I should want.

Here’s to deciding what we want and going after it.

What do YOU want? And how are you planning to go after it?