
What the Funk

I’m not sure why, but some weeks feel longer than others. This is one of those weeks for me. I’ve been in a funk for a few days. It is a week where I kind of wish I was not on 75 Hard so I could relax with a glass (or ten 😏) of wine or a huge piece of chocolate cake or something equally not in line with my ultimate goals.

What this means is I need to be more creative than sugar or alcohol in my attempts to recenter myself and trudge through a fairly miserable week.

What I’ve Tried So Far

I’ve put on music from my late teens/early twenties, and for a while I forget about the worries of the day and just try not to throw out my back while I dance in the kitchen. 💃 Sometimes, though, the music that pops up reminds me of other unpleasant memories and that brings me right back to the funk I started in.

Writing is the next option on my list. The problem is, when I get in a mental funk I have no idea what to write about. You hear all the brainstorming tricks — mind mapping, brain dump, etc — but when my mind gets to the funk part, I draw a complete blank.

I already exercise very early in the morning. Not because I enjoy waking up that early, it is just the best time for me to fit it in. I could exercise again, and I guess I do get moving with the dancing, but changing from my comfy house clothes to workout gear to do an actual structured workout is not appealing. So while I technically could do another workout, I probably won’t.

Tonight I got some reading done. Though the book I’m reading, Winning by Tim Grover, isn’t exactly the type of book that makes you feel better about yourself. It isn’t supposed to! It is supposed to shine a light on all the ways we can win but we choose not to. Which is great on a normal day for me, but today it just hit different.

What Gets You Out of a Funk?

I’m all out of relaxing ideas. Sleep is last on my list. 😴 Might be nice to just put the day behind me and start fresh tomorrow.

What do you do when you get in a funk? Anything else I should try?