My Top 10 Nonfiction Reads

Part of the 75 Hard program is 10 pages of daily reading, and not the fluffy romance novels I normally gravitate toward. I like those for the same reason I watch the Hallmark channel — it’s happy and doesn’t require me to think! The 75 Hard program, however, does require thinking. Good thing I’m an avid reader and enjoy digging into new books. Below are my 10 favorite nonfiction reads from the past year, in no particular order:
- Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins.
- Mindset by Dr. Carol S. Dweck
- Chasing Cupcakes by Elizabeth Benton
- Living With a SEAL by Jesse Itzler
- Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink & Leif Babin
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- The Illusion of Money by Kyle Cease
- Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
- Relentless by Tim Grover – caveat…I don’t really think I’m relentless, but it was interesting to read about those who are.
- The Power of One More by Ed Mylett
I’m starting 75 Hard over again next month (trying for that Live Hard year!) …anything I should add to my “must read” list?