
Staying Sore to be Better

The other day I was complaining about how sore I felt, and loudly wondering if I would always feel this way. My friend quipped, “remind me the name of your blog again?”

Touché my friend. Touché.

The comment got me thinking about what the title of this website actually means to me. Does it truly mean that I am okay with feeling sore every single day? (Answer: abso-freaking-lutely not) Does it mean I expect others to push themselves to the point they are sore more often than not? (Also no)

Recovery is your friend

What it does mean, however, is that there are some days I’ll push myself past limits and feel the repercussions. It won’t be daily, but periodically one does have to test their own limits in order to allow for growth.

Growth is the name of the game, both in fitness and in life. I am determined to be better tomorrow than I am today, and I am taking every step possible in order to allow that progress to occur. I’ve found it is less about the major “start date to a new life” and more about the little “micro decisions” daily that we all have to make. And as usual, consistency is key.

All of this to say I am more than justified in my complaints about feeling sore too often. After all, I am crazy. 🤪