What the Funk
I’m not sure why, but some weeks feel longer than others. This is one of those weeks for me. I’ve been in a funk for a few days. It is a week where I kind of wish I was not…
15 Days Down…60 to go!
I probably should not have written how many days were left in this round. Don’t want to mess with my head any more than usual! 😅 I’m proud of my progress in the first 15 days down though. 💪 The…
Keep Going…You never know who is watching
That sounds creepy, like “I always feel like…somebody’s watching me” but that isn’t really how I mean it. What I mean is, your imperfect journey could be someone’s inspiration. You never know who is inspired by your progress. How I…
75 Days, 0 Compromises
Instead of thinking how hard your journey is, think how great your story will be. Andy Frisella Week 1 of the 75 Hard Program created by Andy Frisella is in the books. I’ve challenged myself to complete this program before,…
Running …away from doubt
Runner’s high? I hear that phrase and the memes from The Princess Bride run through my head. It is hard to feel a sense of euphoria around something that has always discouraged you and made you insecure. Some people enjoy…
Never Miss a Monday
How you start your week is how you’ll finish it. Start with excuses, build on those excuses. Start with action, build on that action. i.e. NEVER MISS A MONDAY. Showing up is half the battle Picture Monday morning. Your alarm…
Begin from the Beginning
In the summer before 4th grade, I sat in a doctor’s office for my annual checkup. The doc told my mom that if I gained any more weight, I would need to go on a diet. To a 9 year…
Somewhere, somehow I heard we should compete every day. So…I signed up. For an outdoor competition. In the middle of July. In Texas. Thanks, Camp Gladiator. (Shameless plug…if you sign up, let me know!! I’ll give ya my phone number.…
My Top 10 Nonfiction Reads
Part of the 75 Hard program is 10 pages of daily reading, and not the fluffy romance novels I normally gravitate toward. I like those for the same reason I watch the Hallmark channel — it’s happy and doesn’t require…
The C-Word
Everyone knows they need it, most of the time it eludes them. Why do people let distractions detract from their goals, and how do you make sure it doesn’t happen to you? What is the word? Consistency. How do we…